
My proposal is complex and consists of several items:

1. As the author of the invention, I hace the right to name the used teabag container as I like. Of course, I can give it the title suggested by a teabag manufacturer. Obviously, this title will serve as additional advertisement for the trademark, no matter who and where will use the invention. The main point is that unlike the patent which expires, this title will be fixed FOREVER.

2. Selling the invention's license itself. I am convinced that the customers will like being supplied with the teabags together with single-time usage containers. Please keep in mind that the illustration is a sketch (!) without preserving the true proportions and situation.

3. I also intend to start my own (or with partners) manufacturing of these containers, in case, of course, if I do not sell the license for my invention.

Tea-drinking accessory and device for its production

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