Strengthening bullet-proof vest for frontal attack

To Bullet-proof vest mutually exclusive requirements are showed. It simultaneously should be and a bullet proof and to not hold down movements of the soldier. But there are cases when these requirements to the reservation are showed to a waistcoat not simultaneously, but is consecutive. For example a building to take by storm - at first it is necessary to run some tens meters under intensive and aim fire, and then to carry spend "room fights ".

In the first case the main thing and the unique requirement to the reservation to a waistcoat - a bullet resistance - as it is necessary to run on open district. Further bullet-proof vest should become maximum easy and flexible as the main protective means becomes a maneuverability.

The following armored board is therefore offered:

Atop of standard ammunition the reservation in addition protecting the soldier puts on. The head as the usual helmet rather easy and even having reflected a bullet nevertheless transfers a head rather appreciable shock pulse is especially protected. Here the bullet "intended" to a head will give the energy to the reservation which will allocate it on all body through thick buffer a layer.

Legs are protected. In this case hips and knees. The inclined armored board fastens on spring loops that will allow to choose a corner of an inclination not preventing running, and at the same time, the armored board easily can be put or put on the ground.

Also hands are protected. flankes boards can open for granting an opportunity of shooting from a hand arm. If

If necessary Amplification Bullet-proof vest it is easily dumped, and soldier becomes again "mobile".